Saturday, May 16, 2015

Day 2 on the Burren-Amanda Dugan

Today was adventurous. Going to Coole Park to see the signature tree was pretty interesting. The tree itself was beautiful, and by looking at how thick the trunk is you can tell it beautified by age. 
When I saw the Burren, it wasn't what I was expecting at first but as we gradually continued to explore, it became more and more like what I pictured. 
So far, Ireland has met every expectation on scenery I've had. It's beautiful here! Especially at the Cliffs of Moher! I never knew they were the highest sea cliffs in Europe. The view that you get from them is truly picture perfect. 
Spending time in Galway and Kinvara has been nice, but I can't wait to see what the rest of the trip brings. I'm excited to head to Dublin tomorrow!!!

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