Captain's log, stardate 52215.8,
Today we toured the Scottish Parliament which was quite interesting because it is a relatively new building. The Scotland Act of 1998 gave approval for the construction of a parliament building in Edinburgh. Architects designed the campus area of the parliament to look like a branch of a tree with the buildings designed with leaves on the roof. The buildings have a lot of windows on them because the Scottish government believes that their governing process should be transparent. Therefore, they invite people to come in on any day that parliament is in session to view the proceedings from a gallery area. We were able to go on to the debating floor, which provided an interesting view to the seats in the debating chamber. After our tour we began to hike up Arthur's seat which was a very intense activity. The summit is about 850 feet high which does not qualify it as a mountain but it sure felt like I was climbing one. Once we reached the top, the views of Edinburgh were spectacular, you could see every part of the city like it was one giant panorama photo. We stayed to enjoy the views and began our decent. After we got to the bottom we walked to the Prince's Street Gardens which was kind of a let down seeing as none of the flowers had bloomed yet, but we did see the Scott Monument which was pretty magnificent in its size and architecture. We then went to the hotel to get ready for our final dinner in Scotland, we ate at The Beehive Inn where we had salad and chicken for dinner. It was a nice way to conclude the day.
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