Thursday, May 21, 2015

Day 7- Edinburgh Castle & The King's Speech- Amanda Dugan

Today we got to explore the Edinburgh Castle! It was beautiful!!! My absolute favorite part was the Prisoners of War exhibition! Getting to see the canon go off was pretty cool too! 

Then we made our way down to the Writer's Museum. Being that I'm not big into these types of things, it wasn't my favorite, but it was interesting to hear about the building and its history. 

After dinner, we went to King's Theater to see the King's Speech. I've never seen the movie, but I heard that the storyline was good and being that it was based on a true story, it was nice to learn about. After having seeing the play, I was in awe. It was so good! 

Overall, day 7 was great! I can't believe tomorrow is the last full day of our trip. 

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