During our second day in Galway, we had the opportunity to experience a variety of interesting things. We began our day by traveling to the Kiltartan Gregory Museum to learn about Ireland's most famous poet, W. B. Yeats. Yeats was an interesting man who wrote both political and love poems during his lifetime. His writing style is what allows readers from around the world to understand exactly what his intentions and feelings were towards a variety of topics.
After traveling to the Kiltartan Gregory Museum, we went to see Lady Gregory's house. Lady Gregory was actually the mentor of Yeats when he was younger. Unfortunately, Lady Gregory's house is currently in ruins because after the Gregory family moved back to London, the villagers burned their house down to stop them from ever returning. However, the villagers did not set fire to Lady Gregory's 'signature tree.' This tree actually contains several famous writer's signatures from over the years.
To finish an enlightening and interesting day, we traveled to the Cliffs of Moher. Here we were able to see one of the most famous views in the world. This cliff is actually one of the largest cliffs/mountains in all of Europe.
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