Sunday, May 17, 2015

Ethan Heinl Day 3

Today, after a light breakfast, we endured the three-hour bus ride from Kinvara back to Dublin. After a ride filled with sleeping and getting sick, we arrived at a Gaelic games complex, where we were served an excellent lunch followed by a short presentation about the games we were going to learn today. First we played handball, which is basically racquetball without the racquets. We then proceeded to stumble through learning Gaelic football, which manages to combine several sports and have rules based on "four-ish" steps. Lastly, we played hurling, which is basically lacrosse and baseball slammed together. After we were done, we went back inside and had a slice of cheesecake, after which we departed. We just checked into our apartments which are wonderful, and now we're off to explore the city!

Signing off,
-Ethan Heinl

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