Saturday, May 16, 2015

Eric Cosmides - Day 2

Captains log, stardate 51615.2

Day two, stopped at Coole park near Gort to see the autograph tree where W.B Yates carved his name. We then ventured deep into the Burren and learned a lot about its formation. There was vast areas of exposed limestone and the landscape was drastically different compared to yesterdays adventure. Water will pool on the limestone; however due to the highly porous nature of the limestone, lakes appear and disappear throughout the year. We stopped for lunch which consisted of scones and tea at an old police barracks in the Burren that had been converted to a bar/restaurant. They had a peat fire burning and you could see out to the steppes of the Burren. Afterwards, we journeyed out to the Cliffs of Moher and walked along closely to the edge of the massive cliffs. This was truly a spectacular sight to see and I would compare it to something like the grand canyon. We ate dinner at a nice seafood restaurant and proceeded back to Kinvara to conclude the day.

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