Sunday, May 17, 2015

Eric Cosmides - Day 3

Captain's log, stardate 51715.3

We began our day with breakfast at the guest house. We then got on the bus back to Dublin, I fell asleep for the majority of the ride back. We stopped at Phoenix Park before heading over to a club to play hurling and Gaelic football. After the games we went back to our hotel and had the opportunity to explore around Dublin. We ventured out on to some streets but most of the shops and pubs were closed so we found a pub that served fish and chips. After that we ventured up to a market to get some detergent for the washer. On the way back a strange man appeared out of an alleyway and began to make strange noises and screamed at us. He also watched us return to we were staying so we were quite disturbed and closed the blinds and stayed in for the rest of the night.

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